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December 22, 2015

Inspiration for the Day - Kaitlyn Mallon

By Kaitlyn Mallon

kaitlyn mallon

A year ago I walked into my first class at CrossFit Lynchburg. I was a patient of Dr. Don Reagan's and was looking for somewhere to learn the Olympic lifts. He suggested CrossFit Lynchburg. I nervously made my one-on-one session appointment and a week later strapped on my Nanos and walked into the box as an athlete for the first time. I was immediately intimidated by all of the amazing athletes going through the WOD like it was nothing. I quietly sat in the corner until the class begun. I'll never forget that workout. Dozens of kettle bell swings, sit ups and box jumps (step-ups for me at the time). I could barely move the next day, but I was determined to stick with this for a year. Each time I walked into the box got a little easier and a little less intimidating. With the encouragement from the coaches and fellow members, I bean going to open gym sessions to work on my Olympic lifting technique and even signed up for the CrossFit Open in January. I had no idea what to expect when starting this journey. I imagined I would get more physically fit, but I could have never imagined meeting some of my greatest, closest friends here. Sure, the beginning was difficult but I wouldn't trade this journey for the world. It's incredible the support we are given at CFL. The coaches truly believe in you and in turn help you to believe in yourself. I even signed up for my first SuperFit competition happening in February. If you're new to CrossFit, this is to encourage you to keep coming. Don't give up and more importantly don't just come to put in the work. Make it a priority to make friends and encourage each other to keep pushing harder. Set goals for yourself! Make sure they're attainable and write them down. You'll be amazed at all you can do in one year. Stick with it. I promise you it will be worth it in the long run.Thoughts from one of Kaitlyn's coaches...I remember Kaitlyn very well in her early days coming to CFL. From what she wrote above, she was nervous and intimidated, but it didn't show. She was a good listener, and was very coachable and this is a huge part of making progress. Another factor in Kaitlyn's progress has been her consistency. She hasn't given up. She has a drive that keeps her coming to class almost every day, and even open gym sessions to work on weaknesses. Its been a real pleasure coaching her and getting to know her. Wish we had more like her. I know with continued hard work and consistency we'll be doing another blog post on her in another year. Can't wait to see where she is then.Jerrod RuhlOwner, CrossFit Lynchburg

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