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August 25, 2015

CrossFit Lynchburg - Weightlifting Practice - Week of 8/24/2015

The purpose of this work is to give CrossFit Lynchburg athletes more practice in the snatch and clean & Jerk, to work on things they won't get to in class or to work on things more. Think of weightlifting the way you would golf - it is practice - practice for a skill that just happens to be a strength sport.There are three days of work listed below. The intention is for it to be "between day" work or open gym work. Ideally it would be done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Typically the "Day 1" work is medium heavy, with percentages in the 75%-85% range. The "Day 2" work is lighter, and you are more likely to see power versions of both lifts. The "Day 3" work is the heaviest day, with percentages getting into 90%+ range.Now that you know the purpose and what to expect you can plan your training a little better. Good luck!Before each session get warmed up with a barbell and practice positions of the lifts. Here's some suggestions:Barbell WorkOlympic Lifting Warm Up - MobilityOlympic Lifting Warm Up - ActivationOlympic Lifting Warm Up - Movement PrepDay 1Muscle Snatch + Tall Snatch8 Sets as heavy as possibleHang Clean + 2 Split Jerks (below knee on hang)8-10 Reps between 75% - 80%Accessory Work3 x 10 GHD Hyperextensions**Hold 10th rep for max seconds**Day 2Snatch + OHSWork to 85% of 1RM, 8 sets at mostTall CleanWork to a heavy singleJerk Dip + Split JerkWork to a moderate double for the complexAccessory WorkHeavy KB farmers carry. Heavy as possible for 300m each hand.Day 3Snatch-Accumulate 8 reps between 90%-95%Jerk6 x 2Accessory WorkWork to a max height box jump

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